The Extreme Angle Shot
If you’re shooting at a steep uphill or downhill target at long distance and you don’t compensate for the difference in gravity, you’ll miss. Rifle expert Jeff Johnston shows how to make that shot!
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Some hunters know that when facing a long downhill shot angle they are getting slightly lower than normal. That’s because gravity pull is greatest on objects that is parallel to earth. And so what this means is that a bullet fired at an angle won’t drop as much as one fired over level ground. But surprisingly this also means that a bullet will strike higher when shooting up hills as well.
Of course how much higher a bullet will hit is a product than the distinctness of the hill and the range to the target. For example 300 yards shot at a 45 degree angle which is pretty darn steep with this .306 right here with strike constantly six inches high.
So generally hunters taking shots at less than 300 yards on uphill or downhill angles. Should simply shade a little bit lower than they normally would have shooting on flattened around.
But if you find yourself having to shoot over 300 yards or in an angle that’s cliff like steep consult the bullet impact chart I will tell you exactly where you need to hole. Luckily for us there’s a much faster and more precise way to arrange these crazy angles.
That’s by the use of one of miriad rangefinders on the marker right now that automatically compensate for the horizontal distance rather than the actual distance the target.
So in shots under 300 yards at an extreme angle simply shade a little bit low but for shots over that. Get yourself a modern rangefinder hold for whatever distance that says Do this and you’ll make that shot.
Sources: Jeff Johnston, Range365