Holster Gallery

A new addition to Bullard Leather holsters is the thumb break snap, designed to be used on most of the company’s holsters. The back is reinforced leather to keep from breaking down, and the strap can even be made with exotic leather. The holster pictured is a Combat Holster for a Glock 19/23/32 with the thumb break snap.

Everyday carry made simple. Comfortable and discreet concealed carry without a holster. American made, fits for all handguns.

Covert Carrier, Inc. has added Sig 238 and Sig 938 grips to their line. The G-10 grips can be purchased as a set or single right- or left-handed options. Visit their website or call (702) 245-6302 for more info.

Dara Holster’s patented Curved Clip is designed to mimic the curve of the waistline, offering 100 percent clip-to-belt contact while carrying, keeping the gun and holster close to the body at all times. Concealed carry has never been so easy.

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  • Holster Partners LLC™

    After I retired, I felt I would have time to enjoy a life without pressures. That changed when I received my Concealed to Carry Permit. I did what most people do once they have decided on a gun to carry concealed, buy a holster.
         I searched for a holster that would provide security for the gun and be comfortable. I bought 5 different good quality IWB holsters that claimed they were the most comfortable, yet every one failed my comfort test. SOOOOO, I stopped and determined why I was getting rubbed & poked. Then I went about trying to solve the problem.
          I started with leather from an old office chair. It was too flexible so I needed to add some support. I used the cardboard from a cereal box. I glued it to one half of the leather, then I folded the leather over the cardboard. I used this to start cutting patterns. I made the first one to use with my Colt 45 4” commander. I would wear it, see how it felt and go back and improve it. I built more than 9 proto-types over 14 months, trying to get it right. At the end I had 6 pattern sizes which would work with most IWB holsters. Along the way decided that The Body Shield would be a good name.
         Next step was to buy top grade leather, make a few of each pattern and get them out in the field to verify my findings. I gave several to the county Sheriff and his deputies to try. I added city police officers, firearm trainers and some regular guys that carried concealed. After 4 + months the reports came back, “it worked well for everyday carry and for both on and off duty.
    My next step was to apply for a patent, and begin manufacturing.      Thank you for taking time to explore my products. I think you will come to the same conclusion; it does take the “OUCH” out of carrying concealed.      Send me an E-Mail and let me know what you think to holsterpartner@outlook.com www.holsterpartner.com


    How is an original black powder cartridge from U.S. Cavalry times so popular today? Let’s take a look at why the .45/70 is so popular today and well into the future.

  • Raw Dog Tactical

    The folks at Raw Dog Tactical believe in having confidence in your everyday carry. With adjustable retention to find the perfect fit, leather backing for all-day comfort, and a Kydex shell for trigger protection, their team of skilled craftsmen strives to provide the highest quality holster that America offers.

    The Original Dirty Harry® Shoulder Holster!!

    RUFFIANO INTERNATIONAL™, an Authorized Distributor, is proud to offer you The Original Dirty Harry® Shoulder Holster!! From the original company & made for every gun in the World!! “Being the most comfortable I have ever tried for heavy guns”…by Elmer Keith–[father of the .44 Magnum cartridge] NOW GO SHOOT!!™ Visit our website or call us at 702.588.9583.

  • Telor Tactical

    Unlike traditional in-the-waistband holsters made from hard plastic, the Comfort-Air In The Waist Band Holster features breathable and soft material for pressure and temperature management. The unique design keeps you cool and comfortable while you carry. Sturdy clips and a stretch-to-fit holster keep your weapon securely in place. Available in right- or left-handed draw. $54.99