IMBEL’s Xodó pistols: a brief look at compact M1911 descendants
In the Portuguese language, the noun “Xodó” is a popular expression to indicate one on whom we have a very special romantic crush or long-lasting love relationship. It’s no small wonder, then, that IMBEL – Indústria de Material Bélico do Brasil has chosen it as the name of two of its dozen-or-so pistols currently available, models that have received a great deal of attention in the local market. More significant, by the way, is the fact that the Brazilian weapons manufacturer had never given any of its products a name, other than its usual — and a little confusing, in my opinion– system of caliber, model number (e.g. MD1, MD2, etc.), and suffix (LX, GC, TC, etc.) designations.
A couple of years before its official creation in July, 1975, IMBEL already existed in the form of Brazilian Army’s Fábrica de Itajubá (Itajubá Factory), in Minas Gerais State, which was manufacturing the M973 pistol, a clone of the well-known M1911A1 , but chambered to 9x19mm and with a nine-round magazine capacity. This was supplied in large numbers to the Brazilian Army, Navy and Air Force, in addition to some LE agencies. Exports were immense, namely to the U.S., via-Springfield Armory. As time passed, the basic design was further modified so as to include other (.380 ACP, .45 ACP, and .40 S&W) chambering options, magazine capacities, actions (SA, DA, DAO), etc.
The Xodó first appeared in 9x19mm as the Pistola 9 SC (Super Compact) MD1 (Model 1), Army-certified for production and sales on November 18, 2008, followed by the .40 SC MD2 in .40 S&W, similarly certified on July 23, 2010. Since the two available calibers are, regrettably, locally “restricted” for private civilian use, sales have been limited to law enforcement people and to Army-licensed CACs (Caçadores, Atiradores, Colecionadores, or Hunters, Sports Shooters, Collectors). Some local security agencies, such as Minas Gerais State’s Civil Police and Goiás State’s Penitentiary Administration, have also bough .40 S&W Xodós for (mostly concealed) carry by their agents. Both the MD1 (9x19mm) and the MD2 (.40 S&W) models are available with IMBEL’s optional ambidextrous ADC (Armador e Desarmador de Cão, Hammer Cocking and Decocking) System, which allows the gun to be safely carried with the hammer forward over a loaded chamber, ready to use.
Caliber, 9x19mm; capacity, 12/17-round magazines; barrel length, 80.5mm (6 grooves RH, 1:254mm pitch); overall length, 173mm; height, 124mm; width, 38mm; sight radius, 124mm; weight with full magazine, 1.2/1.3kg.
Caliber, .40 S&W; capacity, 12/17-round magazines; barrel length, 85.5mm (6 grooves RH, 1:406mm pitch); overall length, 177mm; height, 124mm; width, 38mm; sight radius, 128mm; weight with full magazine, 1.26/1.33kg.
Higher-res photos here: