Fernan Rod and Gun Club in Idaho jointly serves civilians, military and police
A Joint Civilian, Military, and Police Firing Range
Fernan Rod and Gun Club, located in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, hosts many activities, including various trainers from around the country. We always welcome guest instructors and schools. Our range facility is quite unique in the sense that it is the only joint-use facility in Idaho, one of the few of this type in the United States. FRGC membership is open to anyone who wishes to join and exercise responsible and safe gun-handling practices. Nonmembers who wish to use the facility are charged based upon the Range Use Agreement they enter into with FRGC.
Information about the club is available from the director at (208) 773-3624 or (509) 993-1508 or president at (208) 773-3624. E-mail us at frgc@FRGC.org, and our website is www.FRGC.org.