Can a 1911 operate at -65 degree Farenheit?

If you’ve ever wondered what a 1911 pistol shooting at -65°F in slow motion would look like, check out this awesome video.

The 1911 has a reputation for being an incredibly reliable pistol. Well, this incredible slow motion video of a Remington R1 1911 pistol shooting at -65°F just does even more to show what an incredible firearm the 1911 is capable of.

Check out the video for yourself, it’s pretty awesome.
Now that is some great reliability under COLD conditions. I was extremely impressed by the fact that the 1911 was even able to chamber a second bullet after firing. Did you notice the frost coming off the hammer when the trigger was pulled?

Do you think your reliable EDC handgun could operate that well under extreme cold conditions?, Let us know below in the comment section.

Sources: Remington, Brass Fetcher, John McAdams

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