357 Magnum vs 45 ACP

Which Caliber would you Use in a SHTF Scenario?
There are always debates on which is the better carry handgun and we get down to the ballistics, which is better?, a .357 Magnum or a 45ACP?Most of us gun enthusiasts understand the differences between the two ammo and how powerful it is. But sometimes its good to see the visual effects of the ballistics. The following is a penetration comparison of the two ammo and it is the un-scientific approach. Basically shoot at different type of objects and observe the effects.
The other consideration that we’ll talk about is which one fits the SHTF scenario.
Ok lets watch Youtuber TheFireArmGuy unleashes mayhems on some objects with his .357 and .45 ACP.
It’s always a great match up that clearly defines the legendary stopping power of .45 ACP at shorter ranges, with .357 performing better for penetration at longer distances.
Historically, the .45 ACP was specifically designed for the US Army to be a knock down round at short distances; intended to put a man down with just a couple of shots and the impact on the masonry that you see in the video clearly shows this.
The .357 is more rifle-like and longer casing keeps a higher velocity at farther distances so this round out performed on the hardwood at longer ranges. Currently, it is a popular caliber, even hunters use it in carbines for that very good performance over longer ranges when compared to other pistol calibers.
Is it good enough for SHTF?
This question has come up many times, but when trying to figure out the logic of using one of these two calibers. (this isn’t a scientific answer)
One factor will be your location and preferences.
For example someone that lives in Alaska will probably go with a .44 Magnum, but someone in Michigan would use a Ruger GP100 .357. Also, this caliber is better for longer range than a .45ACP.
.45 ACP users are mostly EDC personal defense carriers and those that love the big bores.
For the availability of these rounds unfortunately, not as likely as a 9mm.
How about you all, which do you prefer or maybe you’re packing one of these, let us know in the comment below.
Source: TheFireArmGuy Youtube, Andy Van Loan