VODA Clears Rooms At Night Inside A Construction Site And Talks That Slick Talk
Showing us all how observant and tactically proficient his mind is. This is such pure gold, I literally can’t even:
Ok I’m pissed off IMMEDIATELY because he’s tarnishing the good memory of 2Pac by using the Hail Mary instrumental. Also… “clearing this structure” “never been on this particular site before” dude you went to a construction site after the workers left and played around in the dark, don’t try to make it out to be something superior, like this is some sort of custom built VODA shoot house training facility.
4:03 – In the span of the next twenty seconds he talks about “slicing the pie”, “gathering data”, and “busting another 45 (degree turn)”.
I hate to break it to you buddy, but walking around with a flashlight completely removes the element of surprise. He’s acting like these fictitious characters he’s going to engage in are going to be sitting around like in video games, unaware of whats going on when they see a window or a wall light up.
6:00 – Talks about how the portapottys give him cover, and he can fire at guys on the rooftops if need be.
13:53 – “I didn’t break the plane. It may look like that on camera but I didn’t break the plane.” Ok…. ? I’m surprised he didn’t get up on a lift after that to “get a better vantage point to get kills”, and proceed to drive it around the warehouse. ?
“Watching the glass looking for shadows”. He keeps saying that. Sounds like the name of indie rock album he has in the works.
Such solid entertainment. This guy is more awesome than I initially thought. He’s definitely the the top 5 people in the industry I’d like to someday meet.
Thoughts? You learning a lot from VODA or what? haha oh and I love how he TM’s the phrase “Civilian Operator” in the title. This guy is living a Counterstrike / Call Of Duty fantasy life, and it’s incredibly amazing. Do you king… Do you.