SHTF Survival Gear
These are must have Survival Gear.
There are many written articles on what to have in your survival supplies. But, the big three that you need to provide are food, water and shelter. Yes, it would be nice to have all the fancy tools to play with. The primary three needs are what will help you to focus on to help you survive. The following is a quick down and dirty list that you should have in your survival kit or bug out bag.
Used for cooking, warmth and shelter. - MULTI-PURPOSE TOOL –
Is like a McGyver gadget with all tools in it. - WATER PURIFICATION OR FILTRATION
Get a permanent match, flint or magnesium rod. - DUCT TAPE –
For practical use for shelter, crafting, repairing, etc.. - FIRST AID AND EMERGENCY KIT –
Ideally first aid kit be placed inside a water proof container. - PARA-CORD OR ROPE –
Very durable and can be used for many things. - FISHING GEAR –
Nice to have a rod and reel. But, not necessary, all you need are lures, fish eggs and fishing line. - PONCHO –
Staying dry, keeping warm or make into a container to carry items. - FLASHLIGHT AND EXTRA BATTERIES –
Though, its nice to have tactical lights. It’s better to have a reliable compact LED flashlight that you can recharge by turning the handle. Perfect for emergency use to save battery power.
What other things are in your survival kit bag?
Source: Wiki