Noveske’s Cool Moms Made A Mother’s Day Video
Moms doing 2nd Amendment mom stuff:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lgYLFSf29os&w=560&h=315]
Sure why not. Beats watching DaNYo DeFeNSe’s weakass ads about nothing. No one is really putting out any worthwhile products or promoting anything interesting nowadays it seems. Is the industry in a slump? Are people even buying new AR-15s anymore? There has to be like 10 AR-15s for every gun owner in the US by now. I’m sure the AR-15 accessory market must be the hottest segment, if it’s even all that hot. Maybe the suppressor market is doing alright? Even that seems to be the same old shit with a different logo or assembly style with a slight db reduction difference.
The video reminded me of this: