Glock Wannabes, Customize and Cool Facts
Glocks are very popular handguns and top quality used by law enforcements, competitive shooters and all gun enthusiasts. Thanks to Gaston Glock for introducing this fine piece of firearm to our law enforcement agencies back in the 80’s. The Glock pistol was designed to be simple and capability was superior to the Smith & Wesson .38 cal revolvers that our LE’s were carrying back in the day. The civilian market quickly picked up on this and spread like wild fire.
With its simple blue print maybe, its why many manufacturers created their own version of this highly acclaimed “striker-fired” pistol. Here’s a few to mention, but not the complete list:
- Sig Sauer – Vtech 320
- Smith & Wesson – M&P 2.0
- Remington – RP9
- FN – FNS9
- HK – VP9
Cool facts about Gaston Glock pistol:
- He was not a gun designer
- Brainstormed the design on a blank piece of paper
- Gaston Glock did not have a gun factory
- Magazine capacity can house 17 rounds vs the 6 in revolvers
- Trigger pull is 5 lbs, revolvers were 12 pounds
- Glock pistol was lighter than revolvers
- Has no external trigger safety
- Glock pistol has fewer parts than other comparable handguns
- Glock parts are entirely interchangeable
For the Glock owners what have you done to customize your Glock 19? Here are some things that you can customize to make it more efficient, just a note this is recommended from the folks at Tactical Shit.
- Tridium Sights
- RedDot
- MatchGrade Barrel
- Apex Trigger
- CMC Trigger
- Extended Mag Release
- Magwell
- replace backplate
- replace firing pin
- replace safety plunger
Tell us below what are some of yours customization that you did on your Glock.
[su_heading size=”30″]Video Transcription[/su_heading]
Shotshow 2017
[Ben] This is like a nightclub.
[Guy 2] Yeah, this is *just* like a nightclub. Hey, TacticalShit comin’ at you from the Falkor booth, last day of ShotShow 2017.
[Ben] Thank god.
[Guy 2] Yeah. I can’t believe Clint let us shoot this video for the Falkor booth, ‘specially since we’re pretty much making fun of every major gun manufacturer in America and a couple in Germany. [laughter] So anyway, we uh– All through shotshow the last couple ‘a days, we’ve been workin’ on a special project, and this one is it. You’re about to see the labor of our love. It’s a tribute to hate. It’s a tribute to the hate that the followers of each major gun manufacturer have for us Glock owners. Right? The guys that carry the 19 every day. All of these companies have one thing in common, and you’re about to see what that one thing is. Keep in mind though, that this video is all in fun, and if you can’t take a joke, fuckoff.
[Ben] Go fuck yourself.
[Guy 2] Hey guys, now we’ve made it to the Sig Sauer booth, where remarkably, we’ve found the X carry 320 and the Vtech 320, which are, essentially, copies of Glocks. Striker-fired pistols.
[Ben] Yep.
[Guy 2] Right? Uh, this one’s got the Romeo1 on it, which is Sig Sauer’s optic. It’s got a shave-able, sipple-able lower receiver, forward serrations, it’s got a good match-grade barrel, but essentially, you know, it’s a copy of a Glock, with some enhancements and improvements I would say, you know. And maybe a few things that we don’t like so much. But uh, stay tuned as we go find more manufacturers that copy America’s– the world’s best handgun.
Alright, so I lost Ben for a minute, and I found the Ruger booth. Guess what? They’ve got the *American* pistol, anything else would be un-American. This is Ruger’s copy of the Glock. It’s a Striker-fired pistol made by the American company Ruger. It’s got a really thin grip, ten round magazine, not sure why they went with such a thin grip, probably would be good for little lady-man hands. but uh… ridiculous trigger, no forward serrations, it’s generally just disgusting, but…
Woo! We finally got to the Smith and Wesson booth, for the M&P 2.0, which stands for the second-generation Smith and Wesson copy of the Glock. Striker-fired pistol.
[Ben] Found another.
[Guy2] Yeah! It’s a lot like the Austrian plastic pistol in many ways. Just… Not enough.
[Ben] Not enough.
Once again, we’re out on our journey to find all the striker-fired guns that we can. Now we’ve landed ourselves at the Remington booth. With the R-51 and…
[Guy 2] Whatever this is.
[Ben] Whatever that is.
[Guy2] The uh– the RP9. The much-anticipated RP9. The one thing they got right on the RP9, unlike Smith and Wesson is: Forward serrations that actually work. Otherwise? Not so much. Remarkably glocklike trigger, it even looks like a Glock trigger. Striker-fired pistol, Remington, not to be outdone by Smith and Wesson, CZ, Sig, FN, you name it, they had to jump into the striker-fired waters. So.
[Ben] Only got one regret in my life: Trying to take apart this bastard.
[Guy2] Oh hey guys, now we’re at the FN booth, with the FNS9. FN’s copy of the Glock. Striker-fired pistol. It’s got a trigger similar– more so to the Smith&Wesson than the Glock.
[Ben] Got a little bit more of a flatter feeling.
[Guy 2] Little bit flatter serrations are nice.
[Ben] Our striker-fire journey has landed us at the HK booth where we found the VP Series. Pretty much the same style, you know, it’s their take on a Glock, but… Ambidectrous slide stops, ambidextrous mag release, Guns an FE(?) Black and Grey. They sit pretty well in the hand, too. Let’s see what other Striker Fire guns we can find.
[Guy2] It has an amazing trigger, too. Hey shitheads. We are continuing our journey to find all the copies of Glocks, the Strikerfire pistols, from all these major manufacturers, and our journey has taken us to the Walther booth at ShotShow 2017, where we’ve got the PPQ. I’ve got the Q5 Match in my hand. It’s not only got forward serrations, but some beautiful millwork on the slide. It’s got the rear plate for your optic that you can remove that, it’s got an adjustable rear sight, really really comfortable grip, probably out of all of them the most comfortable feel and fit that I’ve had in any of the StrikerFires. Not a really rough texture like the Smith and Wesson, some of these guys are going beyond sandpaper. This is maybe a little bit too light, maybe it needs a little bit more. But nonetheless, another striker-fired pistol from a major manufacturer.
Oh man, it’s been a long day. It takes a lot to not only just get around ShotShow, but also to track down and cover all of the copies of Glocks at the show.
[Ben] Yeah all of ’em!
[Guy2] It’s amazing how many there are.
[Ben] There’s a lot of StrikerFire guns out there.
[Guy2] Yeah. And uh– but now we’ve made it to THE number-one EDC in America, as voted on by our fans, and it’s just a fact, more people carry the Glock19 than any other handgun in America. Although, Smith and Wesson Shields, definitely making a run at it. Right now, the Glock19 is in. And that’s what we’ve got here, is the Gen4 Glock 19MOS. You know, everybody copies it, they all kinda feel like it, some of them had triggers that’re a little better, some the grips are a little better, some of ’em have slides that are a little better, oh whatever. People walk through shoots all the time.
[Ben] Whatever.
[Guy2] Some of ’em have little subtle improvements on the Glock concept, but really it’s just a copy of the Glock, because, y’know, that’s what everybody’s doing. So, when you buy the Glock, how do you make it better? Right?
[Ben] Well, I mean, I would start with sights.
[Guy2] So, first thing you do when you get a Glock19, replace the sights. Go with a… go with some Tridiums, or maybe a blacked-out rear with a RedDot up front, you know. Next thing you want to do, is you want to do some slide weight reduction. Get some milling done by a company like Wise Light Arms.
[Ben] Yeah!
[Guy2] Or go big with Agency, or, you know, one of those guys. Jagerworks is anothero one. So replace the slide altogether or get your slide milled out, then, you know, replace the barrel. Get rid of that OEM barrel, put in a MatchGrade barrel. Move it on down, get an enhanced slide release. For sure. Vickers Tactical makes a great enhanced slide release. Get rid of this trigger, it’s trash, you know. Go with, you know, an Agency trigger, or an Apex trigger, or the new CMC trigger is pretty damn badass, we saw that at range day yesterday.
[Ben] Yeah!
[Guy2] Got some trigger time with that. Get an extended mag release, scallop the mag-release area, shave the entire lower, stipple it, get rid of these obnoxious finger grips.
[Ben] Oh yeah. Throw a magwell on.
[Guy2] Put a Magwell on it so that you can load it faster, double-undercut the grips, and uh, replace the backplate. Also the internals, you wanna replace the firing pin, the safety plunger– that’s key!– you know, with the drop-in trigger. Um, and then, once you do all that, you essentially have the perfect Glock. Easy Peasy.
[Ben] Not much to it.
[Guy2] Nah. Look, we’ve enjoyed doing this video, demonstrating for all of you back home how ridiculous it is for Sig fanboys to hate on Glock, for Smith and Wesson fanboys to hate on Glock, for CZ Fanboys to hate on Glock, for HK Fanboys to hate on Glock, because every one of those manufacturers is copying Glock. So. To each his own, gentlemen. Put your hate in the comments below, subscribe to our Youtube channel, and we’ll be back with more from ShotShow 2017.
[Guy2] Dude I was panicking, I thought Hi-Point didn’t come back to the show this year.
[Ben] Yeah. …This make me look bad?
[Guy2] No. Not at all. I tell you what, guys, we’re at the Hi-Point booth, ShotShow 2017, and HiPoint is the only manufacturer that we found so far that has stayed true to their roots and not copied the Glock by creating a Striker-Fired pistol. And ironically, this 45 weighs about as much as all of the other Striker pistols combined.
Sources: Tactical Shit Youtube, Wikipedia, PopularMechanics