Father’s Day is coming up – get your father a discounted subscription to Western Shooting Journal!
Got your Father’s Day gift figured out? Why get him the same boring old tie or socks? We’re putting together a sweet deal for him-12 issues of Western Shooting Journal for under $20!That’s 10 bucks off the regular subscription price, and just 1/3 of the cost on the news stand. Put in the promo code “DAD” all in caps to get the deal. Two years is just $29.95 and three years is $39.95. Click here to subscribe now.
I love this photo of me and my dad, a veteran who served in Korea and who is the best dad in the world. If you have a photo you’d love to share with us and readers, please email it to me at ralexander@media-inc.com and we’ll post it here over the next 12 days until Father’s Day.