What is your style of Glock-Fu?
So in the concealed and open carry world most firearms schools teach the two common techniques while drawing and firing the pistol. That is, the isosceles and the weaver method. But in reality and humorous is that everyone has a way of swaggering their body language into their style of shooting.
The folks from Knockout Lights have observed these common body-language that most fall into and here they are:
- The Instructor
- The Bowler
- Fishing
- The Chicken Wing Draw
- Gangsta
- Six Position draw
- Isosceles armor facing forward
- The Cross dominant Eye
- The Lean Forward Speed Shooter
- The I’ve put on a “Few Pounds Fanny Pack”
- Mossad Condition 3
- C.A.R.
- Minus the Ceiling Tiles – don’t know knife & gun – its a head scratcher for us too
- The Speed Shooter
- The Gross Motor Skills guy
- The Flagger
Which one do you fall into?, and let us know below in the comment section.
Sources: Knockoutlights Facebook