Slide Release or Rack it?
Dave of Gun & Tactics shares with us multiple techniques to reload a pistol. One technique they talked about was using the front slide serrations, now we check out racking versus using the slide release. Dave goes over the real time differences between the techniques and goes over the basics with a timer as the evaluator.
If you’re still not following what we’re talking about. This is when you have to reload, you’ve spent all your rounds and the slide is at the rear position.
So you release the used magazine and re-insert a new one in. Afterwards you either use the slide release button or slide pull to put a round int the chamber to continue running the pistol.
Irregardless of which technique you use, Dave here demonstrates the fastest ways to get your pistol running after the reload.
Here’s a quick result for time.
What do you think, which technique works best for you? Or, do you even practice this?
Economy of motion was brought up by a keen observer, here is what he had to say:
Absolutely agree with the rationale for managing fine motor skills under stress.Through repetition finding the most efficient process to deliver accurate shots and handling a firearm is essential. Having tutored individuals with small hands their physiology does not allow for slide release manipulation in all cases but it is a favored option.
If I may make an observation regarding ‘Economy of Motion’ which is what this tutorial is promoting. Your support hand on each draw was around your belt line throughout, whilst adopting a high profile grip (chest area).
When drawing from the holster this distance your left arm has to move to establish grip is quite long (In milliseconds) and on occasions may promote inconsistent grip.
Using economy of Motion principles by placing your support hand flat onto your right chest muscle (opposite for lefty) allows the gun to move to the support hand more efficiently as it has less distance to travel.
Should people use the excuse that you wouldn’t stand like that as it’s an unnatural pose I would say that if you are drawing your weapon you have already identified a lethal threat and your physical stance is in the process of changing to a more combative position. Hopefully I’m making sense trying to explain this textually.
All points stated are good to know. Here are a few more from Guns and Tactics Youtube conversation.
I think it comes down to user comfort and muscle memory. My pops taught me using his gun (a glock) to use the slide release and that became habit for me. My first gun was a ruger lcp which requires you to rack the slide and that took time to get used to. My second gun was a g19 and using the slide release just felt natural all over again. My brother’s a few years younger than me and his first gun was the shield so he’s used to racking the slide each time and he can do it fast as lightning, the first few times I fired his I had to adjust to racking the slide on reload. I honestly think it comes down to what you’re most comfortable with. Granted all our shoots are on ranges and not under life threatening conditions, but I’m fairly certain if I’m working purely off adrenaline and I only have seconds to react my body will probably do whatever feels most natural and I’ll use the slide release.
Eric Butterfield
Could not agree more. I’ve also found when loading a new mag that the action of seating the mag will bump the slide forward without my thumb touching the slide release/lock.
You’re also able to have an extra purchase by using the Optic to help pull back on along with the slide serrations. For those that don’t have an optic on their pistol or pronounced slide serrations it may even take a hair longer to get a full grasp of the slide.
David Tulipane
It’s been my experience that you will fight the way you practice. Whatever method you use and practice should be the same message you try if you ever have to employ your weapon for self-protection. It is the way you practice that will most often save your life regardless of what system you use to reload.
Very good video. I once heard that manipulating the slide stop will were it out faster over time. I personally have never seen a slide stop fail to work properly without a shooter induced problem but perhaps someone has. Thanks for the knowledge.
Alex Breger
I use the slide release/stop.
But here are some thoughts that come to head:
1) You might accidently release the slide before the mag went all the way in.
2) If you pick a gun which you don’t know how to use, 99% of the time, the ‘over the top’ will work and you won’t have to search for the release.
Flint Richards
I have been using my thumb to do press release or the lock whatever you wanna call it I don’t really care and it’s worked for me for 50 years I got a bad left arm that has almost no motor skills so I rely on my right. It works fine.
larry lucas
I have used the slide stop to drop the slide every since I started using a pistol. Regardless of what internet professionals say, I will continue to use it. To each their own!
I rack the slide. Otherwise my thumbs hurt like hell and get blisters. It’s more a stop/lock not a release in my opinion. The mag release is a lot easier so comparing the two is silly. I’ve never got blisters from releasing an empty mag lol but the slide release it can hurt a lot on some pistols. Enough said.
Well what about you?