Marlin 30-30 Model 336
The Marlin 336 has always been one of the top lever-action guns.
First conceived by Marlin Firearms in 1948, the Marlin 336 is one of the most popular lever-action rifles ever.
The Marlin being reasonably priced, very reliable and easy-to-use rifle makes it very popular among the hunters and gun enthusiasts.
This Marlin Model 336 ranks up there with other big boys like the Winchester Model 1894, the Winchester Model 70 and the Remington Model 700.
Which is why hunters have taken countless deer, elk, bear and feral hogs with this great little rifle over the years.
Have a look at these Marlins and learn more about this popular hunting rifle.
Marlin 336 Models
Here’s the current Model 336:
336BL The BL stands for “big loop” and this model features a larger-than-normal loop in the lever that makes it easier for a shooter wearing gloves to operate this rifle. The 336BL has a pistol grip stock, a 18.5-inch blued barrel, and is chambered in .30-30 Winchester.
336C The Marlin Model 336C is available in either .30-30 Winchester or .35 Remington and has a pistol grip stock and 20-inch blued barrel.
336SS The Marlin Model 336SS has a stainless steel receiver, a pistol grip, a 20-inch stainless steel barrel, and is chambered in .30-30 Winchester.
336TDL Known as the “Texan Deluxe,” the Marlin Model 336TDL is available in .30-30 Winchester, has a blued receiver, a 20-inch blued barrel, and a B-grade walnut stock.
336W This model is identical to the 336C, except the Model 336W has a walnut-finished stock and a rubber butt plate instead of a recoil pad.
336XLR Produced in .30-30 Winchester, the Marlin Model 336XLR has a stainless steel receiver, a 24-inch stainless steel barrel, a laminated hardwood stock, and a pistol grip.
336Y Chambered in .30-30 Winchester, the youth model of the Marlin Model 336 has a blued receiver and a 16.25-inch blued barrel.
Most of these except the 336W and 336Y come with a recoil pad.
The 336XLR and the 336Y have a tubular magazine that can hold up to five cartridges. All others can hold up to six cartridges.
Most are chambered in .30-30 Winchester and .35 Remington.
Scoped Marlin 336
The Marlin 336 comes standard with iron sights such as a folding rear sight and a ramp front sight and there are several types of after market peep or ghost ring sights available.
One thing that separates the Marlin 336 apart from other is that it has a solid top receiver and utilizes side ejection instead of ejecting spent cartridges from the top of the receiver, very rare on a .30-30 rifle.
This is why many hunters choose to use a scope on their Marlin 336. Marlin rifles has a reversible hammer spur which aids with the use of a scope.
Marlin Model 1895
If you wanted a Marlin with a big-bore chambered in .45-70 for close encounters with bears or moose – take a look at the Model 1895.
All 1895 models sports a short 18.5-inch barrel. Extremely wanted from hunters in Alaska.
Parting Shots
Why have a Marlin 336? Well, its often lightweight, easy to carry and great for quick-pointing. As an all-around woods gun its great for the fast, short-range shot on big game animal. Yes, its not the long range rifle, but still useful at ranges up to 250 yards on feral hogs, elk and black bears.