Human Biology Buzz Words Talking About Firearm Training
TrAiN LiKe YoU FiGhT:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvUe-qj5ZRo&w=560&h=315]
The music… the quick cuts… the zoom, the buzzwords… classic FuNkEr eDiTiNG right there ?.
I’m not saying Todd is not making sense… he might be (I haven’t crunched the numbers yet… you know.. carried all the ones and avoided dividing by zero), I just gotta snicker a bit when people seemingly pay show up to these things and it turns into a college lecture on neuroscience. In my head I’d just be thinking *bruh… when are you going to quit talking so I can start talking shit at the fake assailant I’m matched with, and Mozambique him with the SIRT?* If you’re not Mozambiquing in EVERY scenario with the SIRT are you even training?
90% SIRT Training / 10% Live Fire he says.