A Birthday-Worthy Blade
[su_heading size=”30″]Zero Tolerance 0301 A Perfect Knife For Zombie-occupied Zones – And Just About Everywhere Else[/su_heading]
[su_dropcap style=”flat” size=”5″]I[/su_dropcap]’ve had my share of knives, and the selection has run the gamut. There have been a pair of versatile Victorinox Swiss Army knives I picked up while backpacking through Europe and some really nice Cold Steel models, as well as a few cheap imports that didn’t last a week. No offense to the cheaper knife makers, but my father always told me that you get what you pay for. Maybe not in those exact those words, but you know what I mean.
When I first saw the advertisement for the ZT 0301, I didn’t know what to think. The knives appeared thicker and a bit odd shaped for a traditional, self-diagnosed machirologist (yes, there is a word for “knife collector”) as myself. But something spoke to me. So as a gift to myself for my 50th birthday (as I knew my wife wouldn’t get one for me), I ordered one. With a retail price of $340, I knew I was going out on a limb, having never held one in my hand. But my dealer assured me that he would take it back if I didn’t like it.
That will never happen now.
You can see that this hunk of steel is unique from a photograph, but what you can’t see is the extremely high-quality fit and finish of this edged beast. The patented Speedsafe Ambidextrous assisted opening system thrusts (yeah, baby!) the heavy blade out and it locks with a satisfying click. And by “click,” I really mean a noise like when the door of a truck slams shut. You can feel the “thunk.”

The 3.75-inch Ken Onion-designed blade is made of S30V steel, and wears a tiger-striped tungsten DLC (diamond-like coating) that not only looks really cool, but also actually serves a purpose by enhancing blade hardness and reducing friction and drag.
The handle is also very unique. The “front” side is made of G-10, machined with a green scale pattern, while the black back, or lock, side is made from titanium and has the same scale pattern cut into it. I had always thought that a knife with rubber-type grips would have the best feel. I was wrong, but who’s counting? The knife as a package just feels right.

And here’s another great point: A portion of the titanium back acts as the blade lock, keeping your fingers safe. I have never had this blade even budge a tiny bit while using it.
Ever. Period. End of story.
The knife also has Zero Tolerance’s Quad-mount system that allows four different ways to attach the pocket clip. Right handed, left handed, point up, point down – you name it. Oh. I just did.
Looking for a great knife? Of course you are. So visit the company web site and check out all the top quality models from Zero Tolerance.

Heck, if it’s the right time of year, you even can buy yourself a nice birthday present – just in case someone else won’t.
Editor’s note: For more information, visit zt.kaiusaltd.com.