It’s not all about running gun battle firearms for daily duties afield and on the farm.

Here are my top 5 picks for takedown varmint problem solvers.

Henry AR-7

What can I say about the incredibly handy little AR-7 made by Henry? Well I have reviewed them in the past and absolutely love them. They break down and fit inside of the stock. They are tough and run from two supplied 8 round magazines in self loading fashion. If a critter can get through that quick stream of .22 long rifle projectiles, well you need a shotgun!

Savage Model 42

Here is a newer version of the classic and now discontinued Savage Model 24. Choose between two barrels when on target. You can have the .410 bore shotgun or the .22 long rifle. It even comes with a bug-out bag!

Ruger Takedown 10/22

I have always been a fan of the Ruger 10/22 rifle. With the ability to use various capacity detachable magazines, including a 50 rounder, they are extremely light recoiling, fast shooting and accurate. With .22 long rifle ammo still the cheapest option for plinking, the Ruger 10/22 is a no brainer! Add the option of easy takedown models, and now you have a vermin’s nightmare ready to be unleashed but easily stored.

Browning SA-22

This handy little rifle is pretty much the Ferrari of the takedown rifle world. It comes apart to fit in a backpack, it holds 10 rounds of .22 long rifle ammo and will “yeet” them out as fast as you can pull the trigger. The bluing and wood is gorgeous. You will probably not want to scratch this one though!

Rossi Poly Tuffy Survival – .410 Bore-.45 Colt

Essentials only. When the only thing that matters is getting it done, you can count on the Rossi Survival Rifle. Designed to be lightweight, accurate, and tough as nails, the only thing more durable than the Survival Rifle is a rock. Chambered for 3-inch 410 bore and the potent 45 Colt, the Survival Rifle will take care of small game, fill a pot with meat, or take down dangerous predators with full power 45 Colt. It also complete takes down, fitting inside a backpack or rucksack for easy transportation.

The above statement from Rossi pretty well sums it all up and the purpose of a “truck gun”.

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