The Try Guys shoot Guns for the First Time
[su_heading size=”30″]Gunz are really Fun to Shoot, even for the Try Guys[/su_heading]
If you’re not familiar with who these “Try Guys” are, they are four hilarious men who will throw themselves into any scenario, just to try it out. You can’t say they’re not open minded, however, when it came to the topic of guns. Well this is what they were commenting about before getting a taste of blasting some hot lead downrange, by the way they are our “millennial generation“.
- Guy 1: I don’t like guns. at all.
- Guy 2: I don’t have a negative opinion about guns, I do have negative opinions about people.
- Guy 3: I’ve been invited to a gun range before with friends, and I said no, and I just sat in the car outside of the gun range while they shot guns.
- “I guestion why as a society we consider guns masculine.”
Here’s the after effects of good fun with firearms:
- “It gives you this real adrenaline that took me hours to come down from.”
- “Think my body went on a high, and I just completely turned into this like, very primitive, basic creature.”
- [BOOM] “OH MOTHER OF GOD.” “This shit became like, an adult toy.
- “[BOOM] OOOHOHOH. I feel that power!” “It’s like I’m turning into an animal!”
- “I get it. I-I now get it. I didn’t get it, and now I get it. Guns are really [bleep]ing fun.”
- “The experience didn’t turn us into men, it turned us into boys.”
Seeing the Try Guys reaction when shooting these awesome firearms, you can definitely tell it was like they were at Toy R us. Seeing the enjoyment in their body language don’t lie, just like when we first shot our pellet guns with our Dad back in the day.
[su_heading size=”30″]Video Transcription[/su_heading]
Guy 1: I don’t like guns. at all.
Guy 2: I don’t have a negative opinion about guns, I do have negative opinions about people.
Guy 3: I’ve been invited to a gun range before with friends, and I said no, and I just sat in the car outside of the gun range while they shot guns.
Guy 4: I’m an Eagle scout, I was raised in the south, I’ve shot a lot of guns. 22 Rifle, 10-gauge shotgun, 12-gauge shotgun, Desert Eagle, and another type of handgun that I don’t remember–
“Who ARE you?”
Guy 4: It was my Bachelor party.
“I shot an arrow once…”
“I guestion why as a society we consider guns masculine.”
“It’s like a James Bond thing, and he’s like a cool, sexy guy; and I’m a cool sexy guy–”
“They keep talking about James Bond, people will NOT shut up about tuxes.”
“We dress like James Bond, it’s not real, somehow.”
“These are military-grade weapons whose only purpose is to kill people; to kill a lot of people very fast, very effectively.”
“When you grow up around guns, you know how to handle them properly. You should be able to go to a gun range and handle military-grade weapons.”
“I’m gonna go into this fresh, thinking ‘what is the feeling that I’m gonna get from it’, because maybe there is something to like, masculinity and guns.”
“If I get to wear a tuxedo and shoot guns, I’m excited.”
Range owner: You could die here.
RangeMaster (RM): I’ll hook it up in here for you, what you’ve got to do is, rock it down–
RM: And then close it.
“And I’m ready– This is live?!”
RM: That’s right!
“Guys I’m gonna sh-OOOH.”
“The first bullet went off and I jumped and I was not ready for it, there was no like, ‘ready set go’.”
“Alright, here goes nothin’.
“Assault rifles are actually easier to shoot than handguns. There’s hardly any kick, because it goes so fast.”
[BOOM] “Woo!”
“It’s easy to forget why you’re there, the purpose of these guns is to kill people, and each time you’re pulling the trigger, that’s another life you could be taking.”
“It gives you this real adrenaline that took me hours to come down from.”
“Think my body went on a high, and I just completely turned into this like, very primitive, basic creature.”
“When you just repeat-shoot like that, you’re almost afraid of yourself.”
“Me taking the safety off could have killed someone.”
“Can I just get a hug real quick?”
“Does my cheekbone really have to be that close to the gun? And it’s not gonna hurt my cheek?”
RM: Lean your body forward!
“This shit became like, an adult toy. Guns are not toys.”
“OH. Every time, it’s like, punching me in the arm.”
“Now that I’ve done it, I get it. It’s exhilirating.
“[BOOM] OOOHOHOH. I feel that power!”
“It’s like I’m turning into an animal!”
“Imma try to shoot this guy in the nuts.”
“Who DOES that?!”
“I killed him! How many times am I shooting this?”
“And all I can think of while I’m shooting is, ‘Oh man, I hope I’m out of bullets’.”
[Click] [relieved sigh]
RM: Probably the biggest revolver that’s commercially made…
Range Owner: Whoever gets the closest to the red dot will not have to pay for dinner.
“It’s like playing a round of golf with weapons.”
RO: Exactly.
RM: You feel the recoil is too much for you, let it go over your head, do not fight it, because it will come back.
“So you could punch yourself in the face?”
RM: Yeah. Don’t do that.
“Wow it is heavy.”
“Who do you think will be the worst, from what you’ve seen?”
[RO points, laughter]
“[BANG] [Loud yelling]”
“[BANG] [laughter]”
[BANG] [Other guys yelling and applause] Keith: “That was terrifying!”
“Keith wins!”
“I’m really glad I did it! I’ve not been back many times because I was afraid, but I faced my fear, and I think it’s totally fine to shoot any kind of gun in a gun range, because that’s the place you go. You play Golf on a golf course, you shoot guns at a gun range.”
“First thing I said when I held the gun was I turned and I said ‘take a photo of me’. And all I could think of was ‘I am DESPERATELY trying to compensate for something’.”
“I get it. I-I now get it. I didn’t get it, and now I get it. Guns are really [bleep]ing fun.”
“It… changed me. I don’t think that I’m as pro-gun as I used to be.”
“In terms of actually feeling more manly from shooting a gun… I don’t think I’m more of a man.”
“The experience didn’t turn us into men, it turned us into boys.”
“I might have kids one day. There’s no way that my kids are responsible gun owners. An accident is bound to happen.”
“The men were the people at the gun range who really knew what they were doing. I respect that.”
“I guess my takeaway is that the whole thing’s a little more complicated. I see why people like it. It doesn’t necessarily change the way I think, but it does shade it in a little bit.”
“For the record, for me personally, eating pizza is still more of a general thrill than shooting a gun.”
“Yeah this is pretty thrilling.”
“And there’s quite a kick.”
Sources: BuzzFeedVideo Youtube