“Spike” The Vietnamese Boy
at FOB-4 Command & Control North
Article by Shawn from LooseRounds.comSpike was apparently a bit of a mascot at SOG forward operating base-4 of CCN. Taught to serve drinks and do all manner of errands for the Green Berets of SOG..
One of the SOG recon men saying he even helped a SFC man and fire a 81mm mortar in a mortar pit during the infamous attack on August 23 in 1968 when NVA sappers infiltrated a SOG compound from the sea in the middle of the night and caused multiple casualties of the recon men.
” he was in that mortar pitt firing illumination rounds over the camp. But I remember he told me that Spike knew enough that he readied them and handed the mortar rounds to him to fire”– William Barclay
“ He did not jump.”– Schofield Steven
Sad to say I have to tell you it was not a happy end for Spike.
“Spike lived with me in my hooch for a couple of months. I took care of him. The Vietnamese were very jealous. He disappeared while I was on a mission. He was not seen again. I was told that he was taken away and killed.”– Dick Thompson
After I originally posted this article a few months past and the subject of Spike came up again. Another SOG Green Beret who was there later in the war told us about Spike becoming very insolent and resentful of the American troops. This SOG man said he reported the kid as a security risk to the base security officers over Spike’s change in personality and shady actions.