Greenforce Tactical and Maxpedition a marriage made in Heaven !!!
I own multiple bags that have the option of carrying a concealed handgun inside. Most of the time it is a secondary full size fighting pistol, but the standard universal holster always well sometimes maybe kinda worked. Nope pretty sure it didn’t ever really work. It left something to be desired most days. This was especially so when carrying a weapon with mounted light, most of the time it will hang up during the draw. Universal most of the time means that it works somewhat but not always. It provides no built in retention what so ever so it the bag is tipped over the weapon will fall out of the holster and it will not be in position when the time comes to draw the pistol.
Christian of Greenforce Tactical and I were talking about a quality replacement for the nylon holster used in these bags. We decided it should have click retention so that even if you were hanging upside down the weapon would be just where you put it. Using an open bottom design will allow to use multiple handguns for the given holster. Using the Glock 9/40/357 holster will allow you to carry any of the sub-compact, compact, full-size and the practical-tactical size guns. The only limiting factor is the size of your bag, using both the Maxpedition Jumbo and Mongo Versipacks I can carry all 4 frame sizes. This holster is the same great quality as I have come to expect from Greeforce is uses a flat back to facilitate the mounting of the holster inside the bag. This is a prototype (hence the Top Secret Squirrel patch) so the velcro wasn’t attached to the back put I do believe that the production version will have it included. The model here is a 2 tone green and black version but it can be had in any of the colors Christian has available. A video review will be forth coming. Christian can also be reached at Greenforce Tactical’s Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/greenforce.tactical
Well enough with the talk here are some of the pics. You can order this holster from Greenforce Tactical’s webstore http://greenforcetactical.myshopify.com