Carry Conceal Position
These are the best concealed carry position for wear-ability and functionality. Wear ability is also comfort, but for some this may be an acquired feel. For example, when you first carried your weapon at the small of your back. Was that comfortable?, probably not. Overtime you start to develop for the feel of your weapon at your back.
Functional just means is it easy for you to pull out your weapon efficiently within 1 second?
Below are just some of the common areas that are comfortable and functional to wear. This is an “interactive article”, so please put your cursor over the highlighted words to view images and videos.
[tippy title=”Behind Neck“]Gun behind the neck is the “Hollywood” style, but doesn’t mean it can’t be done.[/tippy]
[tippy title=”Shoulder Holster“]One of the best position for wearability and concealment with a jacket[/tippy]
[tippy title=”Hip Holster“]Standard position and depending on type of handgun size, this can be comfortable to wear[/tippy]
[tippy title=”Pocket Pistol“]May not be the best way to carry a “Pocket Pistol”, but the element of surprise during employment is the idea.[/tippy]
[tippy title=”Back Holster“]This is another favorable position for concealment and wearability[/tippy]
Non Concealed Options
There are instances where wearing a concealed gun isn’t feasible. There are many solutions, the cheapest way is to just store it in:
- Backpack
- Purse
- Jacket
- Fanny Pack – curse over the “Fanny Pack Handgun Employment” to see the video
[tippy title=”Fanny Pack Handgun Employment“]
We know there are many other positions that you can carry your concealed weapon, we didn’t cover all the locations here. Why not let us know your favorite concealed weapon location.
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