Editor’s Note April 2016 – Danielle Breteau

[su_dropcap style=”flat” size=”5″]D[/su_dropcap]ear readers of the American Shooting Journal: I come to you this month with hat in hand, shoulders slumped and a defeated look upon my face. I might even have been seen kicking a can. Last month we featured an article titled Get The 4-1-1 on Rule 41F on the new changes to the gun-trust laws. I was so excited to have this story and get it out to you that I overlooked a very important detail.
One could say that the job of an editor is to ensure that punctuation and spelling are perfect. One might say we are fact checkers. One could go so far as to suggest that a basic working knowledge of the English alphabet would play into the job somehow. Ahem, this is where I failed. The cover of the March 2016 issue of American Shooting Journal says Get the 4-1-1 on Rule 41B. Clearly this is off by four letters. I could insert a number of excuses such as my cat ate my notes or I was shooting low and left, but it does not change the glaring fact that the cover of a national gun publication is out of its mind.
So, for all the folks out there who’ve been scouring the Internet or making inquiries and wondering what on earth Rule 41B is, my friends, I am sorry. If you do find out what it is, please let us know so we can provide the 4-1-1 on Rule 41B. In the meanwhile, you will just have to suffice with background on Rule 41F – which is brilliantly written, I might add, and by a highly skilled attorney who is clearly more accurate than I am [drops microphone and shuffles off stage].
[Leaps back on stage exhuberantly] But wait! Did you know you have the Women’s Annual in your hands? This issue is chock-full of stories from around the nation about women in the gun industry from those who support it, drive it and move and shake it. This issue is all about the ladies – OK, not all about the ladies, we do mention a few turkeys – and it is thanks to you, our readers, that we found them. A-plus job, everybody! Enjoy this issue and their stories. ASJ