ADCO – Best Arms Brand: Press Release
Shot Show Las Vegas, NV Jan 20, 2022
Due to the overwhelming interest at the ADCO booth for the Best Arms Brand Shotguns, a decision was made not only to produce the Bull Pup BA912, but also the BA712 in a American Flag coated format. When the semi autos were displayed an immediate levitation to the American Flag model became apparent. It is noteworthy to inform consumers that this is not just a superficial application of Cerakote.

This is a durable coating that surpasses normal anodized finishes therefore this coating will last. Attendants lined up to take photo’s with the BA912 Bull Pup. After a response like that it didn’t take much thought to make the decision to include the BA712 in the AR15 flat top format to the plan as well.

These are already planned for production and order are now being taken through key distributors so watch for them. Ask your local dealer or distributor or you can contact ADCO directly and we can make arrangements for you for you to have one of these stylish models. There are a lot of look-alikes out of Turkey but ADCO who provide BEST ARMS reaches the highest manufacturing standards and uses only drill bored (not pipe) barrels in production to insure the highest quality production, so don’t be fooled. Get the Best from ADCO!ADCO, 34A Holton St., Woburn, MA 01801 Tel: 781-935-1799 / 800-775-3687, adcoarmsco@aol.com