While smaller than it’s big brother the 12 gauge, this game hammer shell is ready to hunt.

Let’s take a look at why the 20 gauge is only number two in comparison to the larger 12 gauge shotshell.

Eric Nestor

When you hear “20 gauge shotgun” what comes to your mind? For me it means a well balanced shotgun that is also quite a bit lighter than it’s big brother the 12 gauge shotgun. What also comes to mind is small game hunting. From squirrels to pheasants the 20 gauge works great and allows even less kick for recoil sensitive shooters.

The iconic 20 gauge shotshells were historically solid brass or the more common and cheaper priced cardboard hull version. Have you ever wondered why on some 20 gauge shotshells it is written “20 GA ONLY”? It is because if the shells are loaded into a larger bore 12 gauge they will lodge in the barrel. This is forward of the actual chamber and then this would allow a 12 gauge shotshell to be chambered. Guess what happens next when that trigger is pulled? Oh yes a catastrophic kaboom!

Eric Nestor

So what payload weights are available? On average a one ounce load is what you find in lead shot. There has been heavier loads but that is where the larger 3″ magnum shell reigns supreme. How about a two ounce load? Well shotshells marketed to turkey hunters sure pack some payload!

Eric Nestor

For 20 gauge shotguns there are plenty out there still chambered in 20 gauge, usually also with 3″ chambers for magnum shells. What is my favorite? Well for squirrel hunting I love strolling the woodlands with a vintage Savage Model 24 combination rifle & shotgun. The lower barrel is chambered in 3″ magnum and the upper barrel the .22 magnum cartridge. I added a scope and anything close gets the 20 gauge, while farther game gets a well placed .22 magnum projectile. The black squirrel pelt used as a backdrop for the shotshell images was indeed harvested with that great old gun.

While many shotgunners think of 20 gauge shotguns rabbits come to mind. Well that is certainly where #6 shot gets it done well.

Eric Nestor

There are in fact many loads for many hunts. Choose standard length bunny busters, or turkey loads for reaching out and touching that elusive gobbler. Oh yes, there are even plenty of shotgun slug selections for the big game hunter. What about buckshot and non-lead options? A quick search of the ole’ internet will bring quite a selection to your screen.

Eric Nestor

The 20 gauge has a lot to offer the hunter, target shooter and even collector. Make sure next time you see one at your local gun shop look it over closely. It might need to come home with you!

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