Why its good to carry a Pistol when Hog Hunting
Feral hogs are a huge problem in the Lone Star State. So its not surprising to see YouTuber Texas bass fishing guru Justin Rackley, out doing his part to help eradicate some these pests from his home state.
On a particular night Justin is out hog hunting. He shoots one with his AR and thinks it was a clean kill shot.
But as he and the camera guy walks up to the hog, it was still alive and very angry.
As you know when you shoot one and it goes down, best to have your AR or pistol on you as you approach a wounded hog because they can still be dangerous!
Good thing Justin did have his sidearm on him and shot multiple times to drop the hog completely. Vid action starts at 3:10
What you don’t see behind the scene was that the camera guy ran leaving Justin to take care of business in the dark.
Good thing it all worked out.