Why 1911’s Don’t Suck
There have been many people talking about the good stuff about owning a 1911. In this segment we want to narrow down certain attributes among all brands that manufactures 1911’s that correlates as to why 1911’s are good to have, its more than saying 1911’s are cool and that they are for EDC, personal protection, etc.
Here’s what it narrows down to why 1911’s are good:
- Takes your marksmanship to the next level.
- Single action trigger – short reset, lighter trigger= Speed Shooting
- Steel guns
- Customizable
That’s right with a good piece of machine in your hands, you can get your marksmanship better. With a single action trigger that is on a short reset – this is a lighter trigger pull. Being a steel gun, a little heavier means really good on recoil control. Last we all just love to customize our favorite 1911. What about you all, what do you like about your 1911? and tell us in the comments below.
Video Transcription
Travis: Hi I’m Travis Tomasie, national world champion and professional shooter for PARA USA. Well really to become a good shooter, you need to not only work on the fundamentals such as your grip and your stance and your trigger control, but you need to spend a lot of time dry-firing. Dry-firing is a lot like homework, where actually going to the range and spending real ammo is the test. Or going to a match, that’s the test. You need to dry-fire your techniques. And I don’t just mean by dropping the hammer on an empty chamber, I mean working on your draws, your reloads, your movement, dry fire is key.
Ryan: Today we’re here with Travis Tomasie, world champion shooter for PARA, and today Travis we want to talk about why 1911s do not suck.
Travis: Awesome. I love that topic.
Ryan: Alright, so there are all these guys out there, guys and gals, who have bought lots of polymer guns, and that’s cool, I shoot ’em and love ’em too, but I think now it’s time, if you have three or four of those guns, they’re kind of similar, it’s time to think about maybe a 1911. We’re going to talk about, why would someone want a 1911?
Travis: Yeah absolutely, uh, first of all, and we know a polymer gun is a great way to get started in any kind of shooting that you might want to do, but the 1911 really takes it, takes your marksmanship and your shooting to the next level. You know, this design has been around for 102 years, and it’s proven. It still wins in competitions, it still dominates the entire globe, so-
Ryan: And it still gets used in the military!
Travis: Exactly! it still is, that’s right, so– which proves its superiority in those types of conditions.
Ryan: So when we talk about the 1911, for those who are maybe new to it or whatever, this is a 1911. Some people call it a 45-auto, but the 1911’s the general style that John Browning designed back 102 years ago. So, a 1911, what you’re gonna notice is, most of ’em are gonna be steel guns, right?
Travis: Exactly
Ryan: So they’re gonna be a little heavier, but some of the nice, nice features are, probably the first thing that comes to mind is the trigger.
Travis: Absolutely. Single-action trigger.
Ryan: So it’s gonna bea very short takeup and a very short re-set.
Travis: That’s right. Very short takeup, very short, firm, quick re-set. Allows you to actually speed up your shooting, and also it’s a lighter trigger pull, and it really is one of the reasons why it’s really tough to beat that design. The trigger is phenomenal.
Ryan: Right, which lets you be more accurate, lets you shoot faster.
Travis: Bingo, exactly. [chuckling]
Ryan: Now, the other thing we were talking about, is how customizable the 1911 is. Now you have your competition rig, here, talk about what you’ve done to make this gun shoot for you.
Travis: Yeah, well this is actually a PARA’s new pro-custom 1640. It’s a 40-calibur double-stack, and it’s tricked-out, ready to race, but it brings a good point that the 1911 is extremely customizable. You can do things to these that you can’t do to a polymer gun. Number one is the length of the trigger. You can put shorter trigger pads, longer trigger pads in there, it’s very important for your accuracy that your finger falls on the right place on the trigger. So if your trigger is too long for you and you can’t get it to that right place, then the 1911 allows you to use either a shorter or a longer trigger. Some other things that are very nice, on the grip you have a mainspring housing that this whole part comes out. And you can put in an arch, you can put in a flat, it can be checkered, it can be flat, so it can– it’s customizable to your grip.
Ryan: So you can customize the trigger, the grip, the safety, obviously the sights and other things… what I’d like to do, since this is your race gun, have you shoot it on target, maybe shoot it to empty, do a mag change, and shoot it again, and just kinda show people what this kinda gun can do in a race function like this.
Travis: OK, that’d be great.
Ryan: Alright, let’s do it.
Ok, so why don’t you go ahead and load up, and we’ll do six shots and reload and six shots, and kinda show people what a 1911 can do.
Travis: Sounds great.
Ryan: Shooter ready? [buzzer] [Twelve rapid shots]
Alright! Six shots and reload and six shots, three-point-seven-one seconds.
Travis: It coulda been faster, Ryan!
Ryan: You guys always say that. But it shows what a 1911 can do, it’s- that gun is obviously customized for you, it’s your competition gun, but that’s the whole point, the 1911’s customizable, and then a greattrigger helps you shoot like that.
Travis: Absolutely. It’s really proof-positive that trigger with a light, smooth aspect, and also with that great reset, it’s tough to beat.
Ryan: So, if you’re looking for something different, you’ve bought several pistols, think about a 1911 as your next gun, I think you’re gonna like it.
Sources: Gun Talk Media Youtube, Travis Tomasie