WHUT The HELL? Sig Sauer Tactical Tip On Status Checks
Yoooooo, it’s lit:
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4bEz8zLw5LI&w=560&h=315]
1:07 – I’ve never seen something so awkward in my entire life. My TIER 1 status is simply in mom’s basement keyboard ops so really what do I know though?
OMG I lost it when she did the little pinky caress. 10/10 would watch again. Did watch again.. and again. I’m surprised John Wick doesn’t do that move in the movie #PinkiesUpForWick amirite fellas?
Status checks. So hot right now.
Thoughts? You going to stick with doing the dumb old press check, or are you going to finesse the SIG maneuver with the T-REX hand curl and pinky caress?