Reality wise armed encounters occurs within 6 feet or less, unless you’re patrolling the red zone at Khabar, Afghanistan. In this scenario you’re in a situation that physical confrontation with firearms are in play. Through the dynamics of motion you can’t...
If you didn’t know, Glocks are a polarizing brand in firearms. In fact, Keltec Sub 2000s take Glock magazines. They’re reliable, accurate, and my experience carrying and shooting the same Glock for over 14 years is that it will shoot anything...
In this article about weapon retention for concealed carry, we will address protecting from the same side attack. A same side attack refers to when your handgun is on the right side of your waistband and the attacker’s left hand is...
Chances are you won’t encounter hostile threats like in the video, unless you live in a dangerous area part of the world. Regardless, a lawful gun owner must understand and know a little bit of tactics when the use of firearms...