See All Open Sight – New Concept
The unique, single-element design means precise eye position is no longer necessary. Even if your eye is off-center with the sight or even the gun’s barrel, the bullet will strike where the crosshair is centered. Just pick up your target, and the sight will do the rest. This is one reason that the See-All Open Sight is a favorite with many new shooters of any age. The learning curve is almost non-existent. SAOS doesn’t require you to align your front sight and rear notch with the target like on iron sights. This isn’t a Red dot style sights either, there is no need to look through tube tube to acquire your target.
All the shooter has to do is look through the lens that magnifies the imprinted triangle reticle on the fiber optic. The reticle will display on the bottom half of the shooter’s vision and places the target on top of the triangle reticle. This is very quick and intuitive way of acquiring your sights.
Never have to worry about dead batteries, fog, rain or even an accidental dip in the river. The open, single-element, solid-state design means that if you can see the target, you’ll also be able to see it in your sight picture. And don’t worry about knocking this sight out of alignment. It’s built to be durable, knocked around and dropped without affecting function or accuracy. This sight is up to the task, no matter how far in the backcountry you end up. SAOS can be attach to rifle, shotgun, handgun, blackpowder, crossbow and AR’s.
See All Open Sight offers at $98.95 – can be attached to any thing that has an open scope rail, designed to have a range of 100 yards viewed by the naked eye. Maybe this is your Christmas present. Please go to for more details.