POTD: 3-D Printed Pistol Grips with Craftsman Curb Appeal
A TFB reader who hails from Denver, Colorado recently sent us several pictures of their 3-D printed pistol grips. Sounds mundane and boring, right?… Until you see the grips! These are not some primitive, Play-Doh looking grips that could have come from a middle-school science project.
I like to believe I am well-versed in firearms, but I am not well-versed in 3-D printer technology, components or functionality. I will leave that explanation to Jody Garrett, the artist, to explain:
The grips are digitally sculpted, SLA 3d printed, molded and then cold cast with performance resin and metal powder.
The complete project that Jody Garrett has dove into for pistol grips can be seen here.

Ruger SR1911 outfitted with 3-D Printed Grips custom from Jody Garrett

Ruger SR1911 with a 3-D Printed Brass and Blue Patina Finish Pistol Grip with a Wolf Design

Ruger SR1911 with 3-D Printed Brass and Blue Patina Finish Pistol Grip with a Wolf Design – Complete Set

Bronze, Aluminum and Mineral Filled beginnings of the 3-D Printed Brass and Blue Patina Finish Pistol Grips with a Wolf Design

Computer Generated Image of Future 3-D Printed Pistol Grip with a Wolf Design

Early Sketch Drawing of the 3-D Printed Pistol Grip with a Wolf Design
These elaborate 1911 grips are not the only grips produced by Jody Garrett though. Like a great infomercial…
“But wait! There’s more!”

Complete Collection of 3-D Printed Grips for a Model 1911, Ruger Single-Six and potentially a Ruger MK I, II or III

Not quite finished grip for a Ruger MK I, II or III

Design Sketch for a set of Ruger Single-Six Grips

Computer Generated Image for a set of Ruger Single-Six Pistol Grips
All in all, a pretty impressive collection of 3-D printed grips for several common firearm models.
And as always, we welcome all of our readers to send us suggestions for our POTD (Picture-of-the-Day) segment!