There are many “what would you do?” scenario in law enforcement. In this video not sure if this is a training exercise or a real world life threatening situation from the Far East Asia. Scenario looks to be a hostage taking...
[su_heading size=”30″]A growing number of law enforcement agencies depend on the National Rifle Association for supplemental firearms training, from classroom and range settings to sanctioned competition events.[/su_heading] STORY BY STEVEN PAUL BARLOW PHOTOS BY NRA [su_dropcap style=”light”]T[/su_dropcap]he officer entered the room,...
[su_heading size=”30″]Special Enforcement Teams Go Undercover To Stem Tide Of Heroin Trafficking Across America[/su_heading] STORY AND PHOTOGRAPHS BY TROY TAYSOM [su_dropcap style=”light” size=”5″]I [/su_dropcap]finally got the call. “How fast can you get here?” Sgt. Santiago asked. “Five minutes,” I said....
[su_heading size=”30″]FTI K9 Breeds And Trains Elite German Shepherds For Protection And Companionship[/su_heading] STORY BY DANIELLE BRETEAU * PHOTOGRAPHS COURTESY OF FTI K9 [su_dropcap style=”light” size=”5″]W[/su_dropcap]orking dogs come in all shapes and sizes, but it is often the image of a...
[su_heading size=”30″]‘Sky Cops’ Protect Bases, Bombers, Missile Fields, And Take On New Roles[/su_heading] STORY BY TROY TAYSOM Editor’s note: Part I in this series last issue covered the U.S. Air Force’s Office of Special Investigations. [su_dropcap style=”light” size=”5″]T[/su_dropcap]he United States Air...
[su_heading size=”25″]Guardians Of The Air Force – Part I of II[/su_heading] ‘The Eyes Of The Eagle’ STORY BY TROY TAYSOM [su_dropcap style=”light” size=”5″]I[/su_dropcap]n 1947 the world was rebuilding after the most devastating global conflict we’ve ever known had ended. The importance of air...
[su_heading]Rocky Mountains Deputies Dan And Mike Coyle[/su_heading] STORY BY TROY TAYSOM • PHOTOGRAPHS BY DAN AND MIKE COYLE Police officers are commonly referred to as brothers in blue. This speaks to the close bond that officers develop with each other while enduring difficult situations,...
[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”0″]SAR Veteran, Bloodhound Trainer Bob Cameron Has Spent A Lifetime Helping Locate The Lost[/su_heading] [su_dropcap style=”light” size=”5″]C[/su_dropcap]all this guy! He’s lived an incredible life and has amazing stories,” my editor told me. So, I called Bob Cameron, a veteran...
[su_heading size=”30″ margin=”0″]Somebody’s Watching Me[/su_heading] [su_dropcap style=”light” size=”5″]T[/su_dropcap]echnology gives us instant access to information. If something happens such as a car accident, riot or tornado, for example, we can see it instantly through the power of digital recording and the Internet....