We would like to clear up some misinformation that was reported in the media and on social media. One, we have no evidence at this time that this was arson or insurance fraud.......
Noveske’s Ghetto Blaster name comes from the old school boom boxes of the 1980s and 90s. The Ghetto Blaster comes available in three configurations....
Could this be the next big thing for the M3 Folding Glock? In its folded configuration for concealment carry its no larger than a cell phone footprint ....
NRA commentator and former Navy SEAL Dom Rasso says choosing to defend your home with an AR-15 is a common sense choice that makes our communities safer....
That deal finally has come to a close to the tune of $4 billion. Now the general public is privileged to the knowledge of the completed sale as well....
The MOD*X Side Folder Mechanism allows KRISS Vector owners to add their own AR-style pistol braces or butt stocks to be used in a side-folding configuration....
Few specifics about the cancellation revealed, the lack of a pressing threat needing the change, poorly written requirements, no support from the ranks....