Editor’s Note March 2016 – Danielle Breteau

[su_dropcap style=”light” size=”5″]I[/su_dropcap]f you haven’t figured out by now that the American Shooting Journal is very supportive of and respects our boys and girls in blue, then where have you been? Each month we dedicate a special section of the magazine to tell their stories, trials and tribulations, and remind readers what funny and tragic events these protectors deal with every day.
Among this issue’s stories, the International Association of Chiefs of Police has come out with their much-anticipated report on body cameras and how they should be used. This is something the public should find very interesting. You can also ride along to help sack a poacher, deal with bad guys’ crazy attack pets, meet a living legend of search and rescue and his bloodhound and solve a bank robbery.
Spring hunting is here, or almost here for some. Can you hear the gobbling of the big toms as they woo their hens? Or maybe that’s just a fellow hunter hidden in the brush!
In any case, things are fluffing up, and turkey hunters are in the thick of it. The season has come, and we encourage you to read about the latest high-tech ammo designed for that perfect shot or learn the value of calling for your prize to bring him even closer. Everything you need to get ready for this spring’s hunt is here.
We also have a very special story that focuses (pun intended) on the latest gun-trust legislation, called Rule 41F. Second Amendment guru and attorney Alex Kincaid walks us through the changes, minor as they are, to help ensure we stay within our legal limits. The best part? She does it plain language, not legalese, so that it’s easy for those of us who aren’t lawyers to understand. Thanks, Alex!
If you know someone who is unique in the gun industry, email me at Dani@AmericanShootingJournal.com. I would love to hear their story.