All Things Tactical had the great pleasure of visiting the manufacturing facilities of Multi Holsters ( located in Plymouth, Michigan. This makes them a hometown holster maker to those of us in lower MI. Tony the owner of Multi Holsters...
I own multiple bags that have the option of carrying a concealed handgun inside. Most of the time it is a secondary full size fighting pistol, but the standard universal holster always well sometimes maybe kinda worked. Nope pretty sure it...
By Mark Knapp Gail Gerlach is a Spokane area resident who has been acquitted of first-degree manslaughter charges. He shot 25 year old Brendon Kaluza-Graham on March 25, 2013. The shot killed Kaluza-Graham who was driving away in Gerlach’s vehicle. The defense...
Famous writer, Saul Bellow, once said, “No realistic, sane person goes around Chicago without protection.” Sadly, laws in Chicago make that extremely difficult.A very lucky man with a permit to carry a concealed weapon might possibly have saved his own life...
Mike Adams over at Townhall has penned an article about gun owners preventing “squeegee people” from extorting money out of you by washing your car windshield when you’re stuck waiting somewhere. As a lawyer, my mind immediately wonders whether you could...
The Tueller Drill is a self-defense training exercise to prepare against a short-range attack when armed only with a holstered handgun. The best way to train this drill is to use either an “airsoft gun”, SIRT or if you have the...
Reaction time is something that we take for granted and don’t train enough for self defense situation. Many myths and sayings that if you’re armed with a weapon, you are the bad ass and can’t be touched. However, in real life...
Here are some quick tips on firearms training techniques that you can use to get your mind and body ready to use a firearm in a high-stress defensive situation that won’t cost you a fortune in ammo. This is an excerpt...
There are many different ways to carry your folded knife or a fixed blade. For utility purpose this can be carried anywhere for convenience. In this segment we will address the folding knife carry position for defensive purpose, in case you...
Charged with four felonies, Gregory Macho attacked two women he did not know in the Boise Towne Square Mall parking lot. He is now charged with kidnapping, battery, aggravated battery, and destruction of evidence. Macho then blocked in a young women...