Remington R1 Enhanced – a Force to be Reckon With
For the 1911 crowd, have you heard of the Remington R1 Enhanced?
As most 1911’er knows the magazines are usually single stack which holds 7.
This R1 is a double-stack 1911, a few ears perked up.
You can never have too much ammo so maybe Remington is listening to their customers.
This sick little masterpiece comes with a match-grade barrel, fiber optic sights, a performance trigger and two beefy 15-round mags.
Think the trend is having high magazine capacity is the in.
Toting a 15-round mag plus 1 in the pipe with .45 caliber is very nice, perfect for personal protection.
In the vid below you can skip to 6:08 where the action is.
Make no mistake Remington wanted this bad boy to be a dominant force in personal protection. Another enhanced feature is the optic front sights which ensure your rounds are always on target.
Yeh, yeh I know most LEO’s are all going to the 9mm. With this high-capacity and .45 cal stopping power it might be the handy choice.
If you really need it in a 9mm, Remington does offer it.
What do you all think?