Category: Just Plinking
There is not a significant difference between major makes of long guns now, whether a bolt action or a semi-auto....
So how low in caliber should one go before your personal defense firearm is too light? Would you carry a .22 Shorty or a Knife?...
The Ingram MAC-10 is chambered in either .45 ACP or 9mm, when shooting full auto, best to use a 2-stage suppressor for better control....
How can you upgrade your trusty Ruger 10/22 Rifle to a more enjoyable tacticool platform? Why not bullpup stock that .22 rifle?...
Dressed up in safety gear #Iraqveteran8888 and his team are ready to see how long and how hot this 22LR machine gun can Run....
Ever wonder what would happen if you cook a Frag Grenade in a microwave oven? Let Matt from Demolition Ranch show you what happens....
There are other Truck Guns but the Madsen M47 is made to be scuffed up inside a truck....
Will a Hi-Point pistol work if dropped from a helicopter? Check out this skydiving Hi-Point pistol that was dropped from 1000 feet....
Yes, you can use Rubber Bands to Increase the Cycle Rate of an AK-47, check it out here....
Having a Lever Action Rifle chambered in .50-110 caliber and modern Smokeless Powder will provide you with some Serious Power against Bears....