Women and Guns Data Pt 3
We’ve investigated almost every feature of gun proprietorship for women with the exception of an exceptionally key inquiry: What are the reasons that motivates women to buy and own guns? In this last segment of NSSF’s report, we look at the driving variables of a women enthusiasm for owning guns.
According to NSSF’s survey, the biggest motivation for a woman’s purchase is personal defense. Almost half of the women in the poll stated either self-defense (26.2%) or home defense (22%) as the “most important reason to own a gun.” Another significant motivator was hunting at 15.3 percent.
To further prove the claim that women primary reason to purchase firearms for defensive use, is to look at the “sentiment” data in the report. NSSF’s shows 81.6 percent of the women surveyed agreed with the statement, “I feel more secure now that I own a gun.” Only 3 percent disagreed. Nearly 71 percent of the women responded in the affirmative to the statement, “I feel a need to own a gun for safety reasons,” and exactly half of the women agreed that they “feel more empowered” by gun ownership. Another factual indicator of a woman’s defensive mindset, 42 percent of those surveyed possess a permit or lawful right to carry a concealed firearm and an additional 29.4 percent planned to obtain a permit in the 12 months following the survey.
There is another trend, other than self-defense, that is coming into view in the data: a desire to be self-reliant. Perhaps due to natural disasters such as Hurricane Katrina, women are giving more thought to being able to function in a harsh environment. Nearly 74 percent of women agreed with the statement that it is “necessary to know how to use a gun for survival” and 4.5 percent of women cited a desire to be self-sufficient as their primary motivator for purchasing a gun. These sentiments may not be groundbreaking news to some, but it is interesting and suggests that women are not immune to societal trends in this area.
Examining the NSSF’s report in its entirety, the information tells us that women are buying guns for self-defense, buying the right hardware for that purpose, and that they are seeking professional training to use them safely and effectively. As gun owners, most communities are being supportive of this movement. With this forward thinking we can avoid the age-old social stereotypes. Many gun manufactures understands this and is catering to this new group of gun owners in the market place.
Source: NSSF (National Shooting Sports Foundation)/G&A