Washington Times columnist Emily Miller has written a jaw-dropping book about the arduous process required to legally own a gun in our nation’s capital. At first glance, since the cover features Miller in a pink tank top holding her SIG Sauer, it...
By Mark Knapp Gail Gerlach is a Spokane area resident who has been acquitted of first-degree manslaughter charges. He shot 25 year old Brendon Kaluza-Graham on March 25, 2013. The shot killed Kaluza-Graham who was driving away in Gerlach’s vehicle. The defense...
It has been three and a half years since I first covered the case of a Washington State prosecutor targeting Kitsap Rifle & Revolver Club (KRRC) Executive Officer Marcus Carter. Unbelievably, Kitsap County Prosecuting Attorney Russ Hauge, a Democrat, has still...
By Alan Korwin An insightful analysis of background checks, by Bryan Potratz in Wyoming, and reviewed by myself and gun-rights attorney Dave Hardy, has received little attention before now. It makes it clear that if a Prohibited Possessor lives anywhere, no...
By Dave Workman Newsmax is reporting today that alarms are being raised about a new surge of government ammunition buying, and a Bellevue-based gun rights advocate is among those keeping a close eye on these purchases. Alan Gottlieb, chairman of the Citizens Committee for the...
By John Zent, American Rifleman In the past six months, three preeminent firearm manufacturers—Ruger, Beretta, and Remington—announced plans to build new gun factories, and it’s no coincidence that all three chose not to expand at current locations. Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2014/04/08/firearm-manufacturing-moves-south/#ixzz2yPuTUDFl...
Famous writer, Saul Bellow, once said, “No realistic, sane person goes around Chicago without protection.” Sadly, laws in Chicago make that extremely difficult.A very lucky man with a permit to carry a concealed weapon might possibly have saved his own life...
By Ashley Herzog Fifty-five of Colorado’s sixty-two sheriffs are ignoring new gun control laws they consider unenforceable, such as restrictions on magazine capacity. Weld County Sheriff John Cooke says it’s “not his job” to arrest law-abiding gun owners on unconstitutional grounds. “They’ve...
Idaho Legislators Unanimously Oppose Fed Gun Law (via www.sandpointpr.com) Story by Mark Knapp. SandpointPR.com is proud to host fire arms lawyer, Mark Knapp, who’s passion is obvious in his contributions about guns, gun-training, gun law and action shooting events in Idaho....