At the interstellar interspection of numerous Star Wars movies and national defense is an array of new weaponry and progress. Welcome to today’s “galaxy far, far away.” Star Wars: The Force Awaken opens in a few weeks in theaters around the...
[su_heading size=”25″ margin=”0″]Epic Backyard Bunker[/su_heading] The amount of work and level of detail, all done by this one guy determined to make the coolest bunker ever, complete with running water, food, weapons – a seriously cool stash of weapons – and...
We’ve all been part of these discussions, and we’ve all read a ton of them on forums and blogs over the years: “If you could have only one gun for TEOTWAWKI, what would it be?” A more enlightened-seeming variant on this...
A recent Reddit post made me want to reach through the screen and shake the author. This particular issue comes up so often in survival circles, and it can drive one batty: For as long as I’ve had my AR, I’ve...
Most of us wanting a jack-o’-lantern for Halloween would get to work whittling with a knife and scooping out the flesh with a spoon. But gun enthusiast Kirsten Joy Weiss, originally from Lebanon, Pennsylvania, has taken a rather more extreme approach...
[su_heading size=”27″ margin=”0″].22 Gatling Gun Made From Scratch [/su_heading] What do you get when you add a little bit of ingenuity to a Ruger 10/22 semi-automatic rifle and some spare parts? Well, one answer is YouTube user Alex Smyth’s Steampunk-inspired creation....
The creators of Mythbusters used an impressive supersonic, light-speed, warp vector camera (ok, maybe that is not what it is called) to slow down a pistol shot to 73,000 frame per second. That is more than the number of bacon strips...
It’s Too Easy To Crack Your Gun Safe Story and photographs by Dave Goetzinger Not long ago, I was in the market for a small handgun safe. After visiting a local gun shop and bringing home my new gun safe, I took...