1st Ever AZ Firearms Industry Directory Released
More than $1B/yr., jobs and tax base
TrainMeAZ, LLC
4848 E. Cactus #505-440 • Scottsdale, AZ 85254
1-800-707-4020 Orders • 602-996-4020 In Arizona • 602-494-0679 Fax
1-800-707-4020 Orders • 602-996-4020 In Arizona • 602-494-0679 Fax
Only $20 +S&H
The first ever Arizona Firearms Industry Directory has been compiled and released by TrainMeAZ.com, a statewide firearms trade association. It identifies 313 manufacturers and ancillary businesses in the firearms industry in the state, and estimates its direct economic output, according to the Arizona Commerce Authority, at just over $1 billion a year. If economic impact is taken into account, the figure is more than double that, representing jobs, tax base, tourism and commerce.
This unique First Edition will become a collector’s item, as well as an invaluable tool for helping the industry connect to itself, and aiding in sales, business and cultural goals. An easy-reading 8.5 x 11-inch guide, each firm’s listing includes complete name, address and phone numbers, and fax numbers where available. Most entries have websites and many include email addresses. Every company is described briefly and categorized for easy identification. Readers are encouraged to provide updates and additions for a planned second edition.
TrainMeAZ first gained national prominence when its public bus-stop gun-safety ads were censored by the city of Phoenix. A free-speech lawsuit over the matter is being pressed by the The Goldwater Institute’s Scharf-Norton Center for Constitutional Litigation, joined by the ACLU as an amicus. For details go to the News Room at TrainMeAZ.com.
Directory Contents: About TrainMeAZ, LLC • TrainMeAZ Goals • What makes Arizona “The gun-friendliest state” • Breakdown of the economic output of the arms and ammunition industry in Arizona, 2012 • Why firearms companies should consider moving to Arizona • Directory of 313 Arizona firearms manufacturers, retailers, ranges and ancillary firms with addresses, contact information and descriptions • The Aerospace and Defense Factor • The Game and Fish Connection • Contributing Sponsors with contact information • Letters of support from Governor Jan Brewer, State Representative John Kavanagh, Former State Attorney General Bob Corbin, CATO Institute Chairman Bob Levy • “Where to Shoot” GUN MAP Rate Card.
Only $20 +S&H
TrainMeAZ is a non-partisan, joint educational effort of the firearms training and Second Amendment community in Arizona. The state’s unique Constitutional Carry Law (SB1108, A.R.S. §13-3102, effective on July 29, 2010), served as the spark to initiate the program. Interested parties from around the state joined forces to promote gun-safety training, the shooting sports, self-defense awareness, the general health of the industry as a whole and exercise of the fundamental constitutional right of the people to keep and bear arms for all lawful purposes. The goal is to advance a deep appreciation of the valuable role firearms play in a peaceful society, on a statewide scale.